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LAREINE is the beginning of everything, the beginning of an idea to tell a single story over the albums and singles. Everything starts with Lillie Charlotte, even going back to the first album, "Blue Romance", which already had a visual universe in place and in which one could later find the elements in the video of the song "Metamorphose".

Lillie Charlotte is an original concept, an album with five songs, a photo book and a complete story in eight chapters centered around a love story between Lillie Charlotte and Jérémie Florence de Jargers (as for the name, no, you are not seeing things, it is reminiscent of someone with a presence on this site, not to mention the physical description of the character ... admirers of allusion, it was made for you) .

Lillie signifies the lily (flower) . In the continuation of the history of LAREINE she is identified as the white lily.

The white lily signifies the nobility of pure love, innocence, a sweet frenzy, but also the tragic apprehension of drama, of death, and the white lily is a way for an individual in mourning to appease his suffering and to serenely signify his sorrow. It is a highly symbolic flower. It represents royalty and purity. She (Lillie) continues to be present today in his solo work with the logo “emblem cross” which takes the structure of the stylized fleur-de-lis (French for lily flower) .



Translation in english  from french by
Radha BloodRose 

he meaning of the flowers is presented in the artwork of LAREINE and each member has his own flower. EMIRU is a pink daisy, MAYU a white lily, MACHI a red rose and KAMIJO is a blue rose. The latter has a particularly interesting symbolism in the history that concerns us here. This flower does not exist in nature, it symbolizes the attainment of the impossible and the inaccessible, the eternality of hope and more precisely, in love, the purity of a love almost impossible to obtain from a person. It is important enough to note for the rest ... it is corresponding with the name of Jérémie in the continuation of the narration called "The Blue Illusion" which is embodied by KAMIJO representing the illusory and impossible rose blue.

The song "Bara wa Utsukushiku Chiru" that appears in the mini album "Lillie Charlotte" is the only one that is not written by KAMIJO . She talks about roses that are withering in beauty- the flowers and the love of which they symbolize. This song is also the title of the animated adaptation of "The Rose of Versailles" whose blonde heroine from a twist of the plot was due to die from a disease of the lungs ... she finally died having taken her destiny in hand after having wanted to live her love for André in the open. A childhood love she did not realize ... like Jérémie's love for Lillie. André suffered his destiny, he was the shadow and Oscar the light. Like Lillie ... Jérémie Florence's name 'from Jarjers” is not chosen at random ...

The story told by LAREINE begins with Lillie Charlotte and continues over the songs. It was told in the "Metamorphose Tour" of 1999 with the conclusion of the of the concert DVD « Chantons L'Amour ?Lillie Kara No Tegami?» where videos of Lillie's letters are diffused. The remainder is told in the tour pamphlet "Le Vent Express" and in the album "????????????~- The Last of Romance -" whose booklet shows a entire chronology and a kind of genealogy of the characters and of their reincarnations.

In the music video for the song  "Métamorphose" you can see that the aesthetic elements of characters like MAYU paint what was already present in the booklet "Romancia" from the first album of LAREINE "Blue Romance". To see the scans of the booklets of the two albums listed above go to the library where you will also find the pamphlets of the tours "Métamorphose" and "Le Vent Express".


















LA FIERTE NO UMI (in progress link to the french version)

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