

Where we tell the story of Louis, a mysterious tender childhood among the roses. Where we evoke a royal blood and a destiny broken by History and the Revolution.
The heart of history is suspended in violence and war and the aftermath has been hidden.
A thorny path is offered to him under the light of the moon, his life is colored blue in pink ... a fate hidden from the eyes of the world far from sadness ...

Who is he really ?

What happened ?




The darkness of history has forgotten past events ...
Mystery surrounds the fate of the last son of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette.

Did he survive ?

Is he dead ?

Has he become immortal ?




Sacrifice of Allegro


After the roses in the Trianon gardens, the little prince's childhood continued behind the bars of a prison. On the death of his father he was separated from his mother and his sister and locked in solitude and destitution.
Far from all his family, isolated from the clamors of revolutionary joy, the child is delivered to the brutality of his captors. Her mother, a white flower whose life was beautiful, was finally tinged red under the guillotine blade.

The child King finds himself in an eternal and terrible solitude





Royal Tercet 


In the darkness of his prison, nostalgia embraces the child. He dreams of his happy days with his mother, brother and sister while being carried away in a cart, far from his fatal fate…





La vie en rose


On a dark and luminous full moon night, Louis imprints a thorny path, his heart lost in a thick fog.
Charmed he lets himself go, a melody goes through the back of his white and icy skin.
Louis lets his sublime royal blood drink. He will never forget this moment.
A brave soldier, barefoot, offered himself to him as a sacrifice: "The pain of these thorns is a reward coming from the past, so that one isware of the future" the red blood flows and becomes the food of the King.

His destiny is sealed and even if he loses his memory, his destiny will not change. He wakes up to life in pink and rejects sadness. He colored life in pink with the blue of his royal blood.




Dying table


The truth of the Prince's destiny is finally revealed.

He's alive, and he's become a vampire.

He wants blood and looks forward to the feast.

He wants more and searches for the exhilaration of blood so hot and delicious.






Prince Vampire has become an esthete, mad hunter of the desire for blood.

One day, however, he was saved by a melody played by the one who saved him from his prison. The hunt had to end ... He loved humans
"A beautiful melody is an alternative to blood," he told her.

So there was the secret, there was power ...




Adagio of the Full Moon


The prince remembers and tells how he was saved from the prison of the Temple ... but already his savior no longer hears him, he became deaf ...
One full moon day, we came to get him in the tower where he was locked up. The musician, now unable to hear his own music, had carried the child in his arms.

However soon time will prevail and the prince is ready to give everything to become King one day…




This nostalgia will always embrace him as he wanders through the dark streets.

He is looking for a ghost in the dark. The flow of the Seine stops and it is swept away by the current of its memory ... It looks in a large mirror made of the rain of the day before and does not have the courage to jump over it. He feels so small under the huge sky behind him.

One day he knows it, he will pass Paris like a bird. One day he will be like his father and will embrace the whole country with his eyes. He laughs because he is sad and cries because he is happy ...





The truth has been hidden. If the prince revealed himself no one would recognize him. Another took his place and he officially died. He does not exist anymore.

He decides never to talk about it and not to reveal himself. He disappears in the darkness from night until the day when he will enthroned as King.
Time passes and the mummified heart which is not his will join his father and his mother in St Denis.
One day the medicine having progressed, the trickery will be revealed. Become a Vampire, he ended everything, the royal family lost its history. Sacrificed for a friend, it is finally resolved.

Music circulates in all the joints of its body and it replaces the blood.

He feels his heart clench at the thought of taking his place on the ice throne. He will succeed several times for eternity. So the world will finally know the history of the revolution. There is nothing to change, nothing to regret.




While writing my story I also wrote a little analysis of this whole story, here it is:

The first single "Louis" refers to the character without really detailing who it is, even if one of the titles refers to Trianon.
The story and its framework are revealed more precisely in "Symphony of the Vampire" via a spoken introduction, in English, and the lyrics of the songs.

"In 1770, a political marriage between the Bourbon families of France and the Habsburgs of Austria united the future Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette. They were supposed to represent in the eyes of all" the beautiful France of Medieval Europe ".
In 1774 Louis XVI was crowned King of France.
Her oldest son died of tuberculosis at the age of 7. His brother Louis Charles (later known as Louis XVII) became Dauphin of France.
In July 1789, the French Revolution broke royalty. Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were executed and Louis XVII imprisoned in the Temple died at the age of 10.
Many rumors about the Temple child surfaced. It is said that his death was false and that someone had saved the little prince who was still alive. There were many people who claimed to be the Prince himself.

The mystery ended in the 20th century with technological advances and DNA analysis. The 200-year-old mummified heart attributed to Louis XVII who died in the temple was analyzed and compared to Marie-Antoinette's hair, which had been kept in the Habsburg family for generations. The court was that of Louis XVII.
The heart of Louis XVII rests today in St Denis near the tombs of his parents in the Royal Necropolis.

And yet, and if he was still alive ... "

"Symphony of the Vampire is 7 songs that can be listened to one after the other, like one and the same music, like the different movements of a symphony, hence the name. The lyrics of Symphony tell the fate of Louis XVII and the feelings that torment him.

It seems that songs can have different levels of playback depending on their order of presentation in setlists during live performances. Indeed by reading the feelings and reports of concerts of people who attended the lives of the tour "Aestheticism" it would seem that the narration made by Kaya and the order of the songs bring a different interpretation to the lyrics which allows to continue the history. The Pamphlet of this tour would also bring a lot of new information on the continuation of the story which was already more or less mentioned also during the TV show presented by Kamijo. Here is a little reading / analysis that I could do of their decryption:

These first three songs of the solo career set the scene, already tell the story without saying too much. We talk about the character of Louis, a fate on the thorny path in darkness and a truth that has been hidden. The revolution is mentioned, death, bats and the full moon ...
Who is Louis? We introduce the universe and a narrative track. Note that these songs can have a different level of reading depending on when they are placed. Placed in the context of Symphony, “Louis-Enketsu no La Vie en Rose” tells in detail the metamorphosis of the prince into a Vampire and his entry into the world of the night while only thus it remains evocative but mysterious when the very nature of the main character.

Symphony tells in stages the character's journey. The first two titles are told from the outside point of view, Kamijo becomes a narrator and tells the story of Louis XVII the character is clearly named and the historical context is planted.
In “Sacrifice of Allegro” I note a formulation which strongly evokes to me the credits of Lady Oscar: “Under his eyes fell on the white flower dyed in red whose life was beautiful ... The blade of the guillotine! He will never go back to this radically changed scene "=> Here Marie Antoinette is the white rose which turns red under the guillotine blade. We know that" The Rose of Versailles "is above all Marie-Antoinette who is the main heroine of the manga. The end of the opening credits of the anime shows a shot of a white rose that turns red. The wink is obvious to me or at least the image must have marked it .

With the third movement, the narrator is revealed and becomes “I” the following account is therefore told by the prince himself. Beethoven is mentioned by the fact that he plays music and that he becomes deaf.
One fact remains obscure to me : Beethoven saves Louis XVII, the prince reaches immortality and becomes a Vampire. Beethoven teaches him that music can replace blood. On the other hand, we evoke the imminent death of the rescuer friend. So Kamijo / Louis is vampire AND immortal and Beethoven right?
How did Louis become a Vampire ? Who transformed it (the answer is in fact in "Louis-Enketsu no La Vie en Rose”: it is Beethoven, evoked by the melody which passes through his white skin) and why the musician offers him music as an alternative with blood and why and how does it die ?

Kamijo speaks of “Moulin Rouge” as an 8th movement of the symphony, for my part as it is part of the album Heart, I will place it in the narration of this album but it can be read at various levels and could place in the continuity of "Diyng Table" for the call of blood and after "Throne" for the festive cabaret side of the King on the prowl in Parisian nights.
The liner connects "Royal Tercet" and "Trésor" in the atmosphere and the writing but takes place much later in terms of meaning, it is nostalgic but the vampire speaks much later, I cannot integrate the narration of " Trésor ”at Symphony after“ Royal Tercet ”because he is already a vampire and looks behind… rather after“ Adagio ”… even within“ Heart ”.
Although the account is relatively clear in the events and the Chronology, certain words can be read differently as in "Adagio of the Full Moon": "However soon time will prevail and the prince is ready to give everything to become King a day "=> who is he talking about? of Beethoven who would be mortal and of himself who became a vampire so as not to die and become king one day ?
The question remains open and as said above, it opens the door to a reading in one way or another depending on the songs that precede and succeed it in the chronology of a live.

In 2014, Kamijo gave an interview to Natalie Mu  about this mini album, we finally had a translation this year thanks to Merithorus Slifer, this translation is relayed by Kamijo France on Facebook.



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