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The Secret of « Head of Earl » was revealed. Just like Leonard Da Vinci's « Monan lisa » it was painted over one layer after another was to figure out when the layers underneath were painted.

Digital data shot by a special camera prove nothing degrades in thoseslayers. 

They're fresh as newly painted picture.

Technically, it is impossible to repaint the underneath layers without taking off the top. 

So the best description is, the top layer is the lid to preserve the breathing painting layered underneath. 


On January 15th, « Head of Earl » was brought under the hammer of a very special auction. 

The Seller is going to donate the highest bid price to a D&R organization of new ernergy.

They invite bids until January 19under one big condition.

Wich is, the initial bid price must be higher than the final price of Picasso's « The Women of Algiers », $179.000.000


The picture was painted with Hero's Blood. With the blood of a man who created the foundation of democracy.

Just one painting of the Hero is all we need. 


Count of St Germain

A mysterious man wearing red outfit appeared out of nowhere at various historical thresholds. 

He gave a warning to the leader at the time. 

He made a grand appearance in social circles in Paris in mid 18th century

with a plausible rumor of his being alive for over 4000 years. 

Newly crowned Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette allowed him a reception with thumbnut they never believed what the Comte said. 

The French Revolution Broke out. It was one year after he handed Marie-Antoinette a letter of his last warning. 


In 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte, one of the heroes of the French Revolution secretly had a meeting with a mysterious man in red outfit inside an pyramid in Egypt during the french campaign in Egypt and Syria. 

They signed a secret deal there. It ensured that Napoleon would given power and brain to control the whole Europe. 



As a matter of fact, it was a deal in name only. All Napoleon did was listening to the man in red outfit and doing everything according to the man’s instructions. 

Yes, Napoleon almost let him be manipulated by the man. 

After all the mysterious man in red outfit is the ultimate writer of the history. 


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