On January 4, 2010, the "Jasmine You Memorial Memorial" was held at Shibuya O'East where Matenrou Opera and Kaya also performed.
Much later, in August 2011, a small concert called “Jakouenrisou” was held with former members of Jakura, the first group of Jasmine You to return to Nagoya.
The group released "Jubilee" their first major album on January 20, 2010.


Un clic pour écouter l'album sur youtube

A "Method of Inheritance" world tour that included Asia, South America and Europe is planned. For this tour, they were accompanied by Masashi (ex-Ash and Kozi) as support bassist.

During this tour the group released a photo book with interview "100 questions to" of each of the four members as well as their comments on each song from the album "Jubilee". They were also released from the photo sets where they appear once again dressed in Alice and the Pirates and Baby the Stars Shine Bright clothes. The photo book of the tour can be downloaded in PDF by clicking on the cover below (photo 1). Scans found on Hizaki's WK page.




Masashi join the band

Masashi talks about Jasmine You (who, it is said, trained him on bass) whom he knew and says that he had received an email from Jasmine two days before his death which said “Thank you for playing bass. I can entrust my work to you ”. Since then he fondly remembers this email and does his best to be worthy of it. He says that the announcement of his death caused a lot of sorrow in him.

During the final concert of the "Method of Inheritance" world tour at Shibuya C.C Lemon Hall in September 2010, Masashi was officially introduced as a full member of Versailles. The first single with this new bass player was "Destiny - The lovers" and released on October 27, 2010.



Nouveau look pour ce single.
Kamijo déroge un peu au code couleur de base avec un manteau de couleur or plus scintillant que jamais.

The concept for this new song came from the new bass player. With his agreement, he will play as "kouhai" of Jasmine You (it is the youngest pupil, in opposition to the sempai which is the elder) Hizaki also wrote on his blog that Masashi and Jasmine You were also from from the same prefecture of Aichi.
On September 20, 2010, the group released 2 live albums "Noble-Live" & "Lyrical Sympathy-Live"  from their second world tour "Château de Versailles". However, titles like "To the Chaos Inside" and "Episode" are not included in "Noble-Live" & "Lyrical Sympathy-Live"  has a bonus title "Sforzando-Original Bonus Track" which was made at the start for the compilation  "Cross Gate 2008" released under the label of Kamijo, Sherow Artist Society. (this is an album which brought together several artists / groups including Versailles).



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