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In December 2012, Versailles announced a break from its activities due to hiatus. The group is not officially separated but ceases all activity.
In January 2013, Kamijo announced the start of his Solo career. In June on Kamijo's official YouTube channel, a trailer announces the release of the first single, "Louis".
The Internet has become an essential means of communication to reach inexpensively a public scattered all over the world and it exploits it :



In June a little Tweet reminds us that Kamijo is a real fan of "The Rose of Versailles" because he talks about the new stories that appeared in Margaret magazine : "I can't wait to read the new edition of" The Rose of Versailles " It was nice to know that Ikeda sensei is fine. " Here is one who is faithful to his influences (Riyoko Ikeda is cited on his official website in the "profile - personal" section which also links to a page with Ikeda illustrations from the LAREINE era). One more reason to justify its presence on an Ikedian site like the one you are browsing !

In August his first single "Louis ~ Enketsu no La Vie en Rose ~" was released. An opportunity to hear words in French with a charming Japanese accent. I think they have a hard time with the "r" there ... (I am told that there is no "R" in Japan, that explains everything)
Like all the singles of his solo career, he will be released in 3 different editions, see details in the

La video promotionnelle :

Making-of of vidéo : Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

We can see an appearance of Mana (Malice Mizer, Moi-Dix-Moi), a great figure in the visual. Remember that Kamijo was a roadie for Malice Mizer when he was very young. According to the Wikia article he would have received help from the musicians of Versailles for the realization of this title. I do not know if it is true, in any case the members of all its former groups are always credited in the acknowledgments in the CD booklets.
This single contains three titles with their instrumental versions (six tracks in all): "Louis ~ Enketsu no La Vie en Rose ~", "Grazioso" and "?? ? ? ? ? ?" (Gensou Trianon)
"Grazioso" sees a return to softer sounds, notes from a musical box like in LAREINE's time, an accordion, a beautiful instrumental sobriety far from metal. The tone is set, he is alone and he experiences other things while remaining in the continuity of Versailles.

Some criticize him for making "Versailles bis", "under late Versailles" ... He composed within Versailles, the style will not radically change overnight. The transition is smooth between his universe within Versailles and his which is gradually taking place.



Louis Costume

Grazioso Costume

In september he give a stream for CD Japan. 

On the 26th, he gave an interview to the French channel No Life TV on the program OTO. A public vote is also open to classify their video in the Jtop.
A short video where he presents his video Louis for this channel :


On November 26 takes place the Halloween event at the Beronica in Osaka where he participates with Kaya, Kisaki and Shaura (ex-Juka). We can see on these photos that he wears his new costume of "Symphony of the Vampire" and the cape of "Dying Table" but at the time nobody knew it, Kisaki wears him the costume of Kamijo for the single "Rose "from Versailles. More images on Kamijo Brazil

Photos found on Kamijo Brazil and from Amaba blogs of the artists concerned.

On November 28, KAMIJO posts on its official Youtube channel a video announcing its new record, a mini Album entitled "Symphony of the Vampire" which promises "a magnificent theme and melody, ballads but also metal movements". The trailer also announces his solo debut in Major. The mini album is announced for March 5, 2014

Image Bam Galery find on russian forum Music of Roof


On December 22, 2013 a cruise with a meal was organized in Tokyo Bay. Little information available on this subject. Click on the image below to access a ticket sales page. A Facebook page, Kamijo Translations, describes the event in English and talks about a romantic cruise in Tokyo Bay with French cuisine. Passengers will leave with a Christmas present as a souvenir. They also talk about a live, so it would also be a special concert.

Kamijo's Tweet on this subject: "I think I will sing songs from my entire musical repertoire as well as covers accompanied by a piano and a string quartet for the Musical Show taking place on a boat on December 22. suggestions? " (Source Kamijo France)


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